
senang cerita , aku tak pernah sangka pun keadaan sekarang . tak siapa pun duga. tapi dah lumrah hidup , kita tak akan dapat semua yang kita nak.

some people just get too lucky in their journey, (yes, of course they deserve it as well) , but some people.. lets just say , wasnt too lucky .

what is important right now, is the present . yang dah lepas , aku putuskan untuk simpan memori di satu tempat istimewa, sebab without them , i wont be here today.

besides all the teary story and crushing dream, i found someone who.. can put up me.

to be honest, i was in a situation where i woke up in the middle of the night, feeling sorry for myself , wiped some tears and went back to sleep.

He breaks the wall , and right now , I'm someone's girlfriend.

Ironic isn't ? I guess the whole idea is not too bad after all , when we meet the right person we feel most comfortable to be with , when the whole thing feels so natural and not pretending .

its effortless .

its just, for the time being , i cant wait to see what the future holds for me.

After all , life is a gamble isnt ?